Tony's Webcam and Weather Station

Mobberley UK
Auto-Reload approximately every 10 seconds.

Current weather in Mobberley measured on an Easyweather W-8681 MK2 weather station

22:40 on 15 January 2025   Sunrise   08:16  Sunset  16:22  There will be 2min 34s more daylight tomorrow cumulus version.  1.9.4 
Temperature 2.7°C Max.  11.8°C  at 14:30  Min. 2.6°C  at 22:18 
Air Pressure 1024.1 hpa Trend  Falling rain today 0.0 mm Current rain rate -  0.0  mm/hr
Wind Speed 0.0 mph Max. Wind  6.0 mph  Av. Wind Direction (10') --- 

 Mr. Pike's personal 12 hr. weather forecast  Settled fine

Mobberley - Knutsford - Cheshire
This webcam is located in Mobberley, Cheshire, England Looking west from our study / computer / amateur radio room.
You're looking at my 4 element 10 metre amateur radio antenna or a view of the back garden!

We moved to this location in February 2011 so no more "exciting" views of the Knutsford to Wilmslow road!

There should though be better views of aircraft landing at Manchester airport when they're using runway 05 right - especially the huge A380 Airbus. We're only about a mile from the end of the new runway.

Although we're still very close to the Ilford Photo factory (now Harman technology) it can't be seen by the camera but I've left the pictures of the buildings on this website as many people found them of interest.

The camera is a Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000 and seems to give resonable image quality, the image should update every 7 seconds

contact / comments etc. The Knutsford Ornithological Society

 The chimney at the back was removed in 1960, so this picture of the factory was taken before then. The letters"EWS" on the left-hand edge of the image (near the small door) were from WWII and stood for "Emergency Water Supply". The newly planted orchard belonged to a house owned by St. Dunstans and occupied by Jim Beaty a blind ex-serviceman - so I'm guessing at the late 40's

April 04
 April 2004 just before demolition started, for reference the bus shelter is bottom right.

{short description of image}
 The end of the original R&D building, later to become "Quality Services". I spent 40 years and 1 day working in there - sad but true! Were you one of the many people who also worked in there? Feel free to send me an email and renew aquaintancies! -

November 28th 2005

May 2006

 August 2007
 The original Ilford building, it was not demolished but refurbished as a village community facility.

 This plaque can be seen in it's original position high up on the wall (just to the left of the street light) in the second of these images. It was saved from the demolition men and incorporated as part of the new community building standing in a prominent position next to the entrance.
Maurice Fisher's very interesting site about the history of Ilford